Is Skating a Privileged Sport?
Ice skating is widely considered as a privileged sport. While being a part of the skating community, it is easy to take for granted the immense time, work, and money that go into this unique opportunity. Figure skating is not only costly, but extremely time consuming. The ability to ice skate comes with the privilege to live a comfortable life where one does not need to fight for survival. We can instead use this extra time to thrive in extra curricular activities. That freedom let alone is often overlooked. There are so many children around the world who need to spend all their time working to make money for their families, just to stay afloat. The fact that we are economically stable enough to pursue our own interests, such as ice skating, is a luxury. Skating costs range all the way from sessions and skates to out of country travel, handmade costumes, daily private lessons, and so much more. It is unquestionably an extremely costly sport. While skating is a privileged sport , it is not to say all that it comes without disappointments. With privilege, we still fail, and we still fall. Being in a privileged sport does not spare us from defeat, but it is necessary to be grateful for the opportunities and moments we get the privilege to share in this sport.